Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Nipissing University

4-Year Bachelor's Degree


48 Months


CAD 25,000/year

Tuition Fee

CAD 150

Application Fee

Sep 2024

Apply Date

Canada, Ontario

Type: University

Location Type: Semi-Urban

Founded: 1967

Total Students: 5,100 +

Campus Detail

Main Campus Address

100 College Dr, North Bay, ON P1B 8L7, Canada

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Program Overview

This degree program examines political topics that range from the foundations of international relations and foreign policy to Canadian politics.

The Political Science Program at Nipissing University offers courses of study in Political Theory, Canadian Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Public Administration.

If politics is a form of association directed towards what a community holds to be good - their common purpose - then political science is the reflective study on those various purposes as well as of the means or methods chosen to achieve them.

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